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"The Adventure of Supernatural Discovery"  Bill Johnson "Through

"The Adventure of Supernatural Discovery" Bill Johnson "Through

SKU: 364115376135191

Experience the adventure of a lifetime!

Have you ever thought, “There has got to be more to my Christian life?”

Well, there is!

Normal Christianity has been redefined over the centuries. What began as a vibrant encounter with the Living Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit has often become formulaic and stale. For many Christians today, normal is mundane. Normal is average. Normal is boring. If this is you, then it’s time for you to get a new normal.

Author Michael Kaylor shares his personal testimony of redefining normal and stepping out on supernatural adventure that transformed His relationship with God… forever.

God never intended you to live like everybody else. In this book, you will see that God’s vision of normal Christianity includes:

  • Prophetic dreams and visions
  • Impartations
  • Uncontainable joy
  • Divine appointments
  • Supernatural healing and miracles

Take the journey and discover the supernatural life God has destined you to live!


"Through testimonies and stories of unusual experience and God's visitations throuhgout his life, Michael portrays in simplicity and candidness how hungering after God positions us for remaining renewed in God.  This book successfully draws the reader into a similar pursuit of the "more" that God offers."



Senior pastor of Bethel Church

Redding, California

 Author of When Heaven Invades Earth



This book will open you up if you aren't already aware to other dimensions than this earthly one; dimensions of the Spirit. You will learn from Mike's journey, from his learning, about prophetic dreams and visions, impartations accompanied by electricity, exceeding, uncontainable joy; heavenly heat and fire; divine appointments, healing and how to receive healing; and most important, how to position yourself to enter into these experiences when you find your spiritual life becoming barren. I encourage you to read The Adventure of Supernatural Discovery and simultaneously be entertained by the story and encouraged that you can enter into such experiences with the Lord.



Founder of Global Awakening

Author of There Is More

  • "The Adventure of Supernatural Discovery"

